Accounting Services, Consultancy and Outsourcing Services

After examining other alternatives, clients may choose to outsource the entire internal audit function. In these instances, we typically assess internal control structures, ensure compliance with laws and regulations, and confirm adherence to operational procedures

We measure a client’s current operations performance against its defined needs and objectives. Where are the risks? Is there duplication of effort? Is the company taking advantage of skills already present? What could be done to improve internal control and enhance profitability? At the conclusion of this process, a reengineering plan shows ways that internal audit processes can be reorganized to add greater value.

We measure a client’s current operations performance against its defined needs and objectives. Where are the risks? Is there duplication of effort? Is the company taking advantage of skills already present? What could be done to improve internal control and enhance profitability? At the conclusion of this process, a reengineering plan shows ways that internal audit processes can be reorganized to add greater value.