Tax Consultancy - Direct and Indirect Taxes

Smart companies know that managing taxes is a critical part of an effective business strategy. Minimizing the tax effect of complex decisions, as well as a company’s overall tax rate, are essential to achieving performance objectives today. With over 50 professionals working/associates with the Firm., we can help you use the latest tax strategies to significantly impact performance.


Searching for a tax advisor who understands not only the intricacies of tax law, but also your business? The answer is the Firm’s Corporate Tax practice. We will work with you to minimize your tax liability and ensure your organization complies with local, federal, and international tax law. As a gateway to the vast tax resources within the Firm, we can offer a fresh look at your tax position with an eye towards broader business objectives. Our dedicated team of tax professionals works closely with you to understand your organization’s global goals and strategies and how industry and economic trends affect your business.
Together, we can develop tax strategies that work for your organization and industry, and help streamline compliance processes. Learn more about how our Corporate Tax practice can assist you.

Accounting for Income Tax

One of the most important elements of a financial statement is the provision for income taxes and related balance sheet accounts, which usually has a material impact on net income and earnings per share. It is a complex area that requires expertise in a number of disciplines, including accounting and taxation.
With the increasing the complexities of accounting for business combinations, and so many aspects of it are open to interpretation and tough judgment calls. But the tax professionals of the Firm are uniquely positioned to help companies maximize the financial statement benefit and earnings per share associated with accounting for income taxes. Our advantage comes from a deep and broad understanding of domestic and internal accounting tax issues and how they interrelate.